Book Launch
HB Academy
Sheraton Imperial Kuala Lumpur
1stDecember 2016
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am honoured to be here and to be among the best of the best in the
incredible discipline of Human Behaviour, the business of this Academy. I must
admit I am not familiar with the Academy. But from what I have heard and read,
I am thoroughly impressed. HB Academy founders, I found out, were psychologists,
counsellors and behaviourists. Strange people this flock, but they represent
the “humane” in humanity, I reckon!
And I am even more impressed with the vision and mission carved as
the Academy’s guiding principles.
I like the phrase “Being Humane, Humane Being” adopted as the
mantra for the Academy.
Behavioural psychology is a discipline little known and least understood.
Perhaps even under-rated in the realm of knowledge. Human behavioural psychology is even more daunting to most people. It is a subject
meant for the so-called obscure experts. To most people, it is as exotic as a
study on metaphysical or transcendence.
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Charles Dickens |
Dramatist Samuel Beckett, one of the propagators of absurd theater,
once said about himself, “The danger is always in the neatness of
identification.” He was talking about all of us, in fact.
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Samuel Beckett |
This is your area of expertise, not mine. But like all things
around us, nothing stands alone. I have also been intrigued by human behaviour
in my years in the world of culture and the arts, literature, journalism, the
corporate world.

I have met great statesmen and women such as Nelson Mandela,
Margaret Thatcher, JP Kalam and Vaclav Havel,to name a few. And I have
interviewed Saddam Hussein and Gulbuddin Hekmateyar. Who are these people? Why
are they so successful and in some cases so brutal? I have no answer to those
questions. You do!
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Margaret Thatcher |
I was in theater for many years – an accomplished actor during my
days. I have acted in plays by Shakespeare, Hendrik Ibsen, WS Renda, as well as
by our local greats including Shahrom Hussein, A Samad Said, Hatta Azad Khan, and
Zakaria Ariffin.
I learned a lot from my involvement in culture and the arts over
the last many decades. I learned about discipline, about the need to be
adaptive, about engagement and, more importantly, about having the right mindset.
Delivery matters on stage as much as it is in companies and institutions.
I am proud to announce that the memoir of my 50-year foray into
the world of theater is to be published soon by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP),
entitled Jejak Seni: Dari Pentas
Bangsawan ke Media Prima Berhad. I started when I was a kid awed by the
fantasy and grandeur of the world of Bangsawan performed by a troupe on an open
field next to my house. I ended up as the Chairman of Media Prima Berhad, the
largest and the only integrated media company in the country. What a journey it
has been for me.
I was the editor of a powerful newspaper group for some years
(1992 – 1998). Journalists are a different breed of people altogether. I was
famously fired in 1998 for my association with someone. They say good soldiers
don’t die, they just fade away. On the other hand, good editors don’t fade
away, they get fired. And I started a private school soon after. For many years,
I was on my own until I was appointed Chairman of DBP and later Media Prima
I learned a valuable lesson along the way, on stage, as editor, as
chairman, as a businessman: People need to be motivated!
Had I engaged an academy like this to help me all those years,
life would have been a lot easier for me. Take an example of my position as chairman
of a company that employed 4,700 people at one time. And I knew then that we had
a 4,700 people-problem.
I believe companies must take advantage of the good services
offered by the Academy. I can say this, from my experience, you are needed,
more so now than ever before. The dynamics in society have changed. Things have
changed on the corporate front. Creativity and innovation matter now. We need
creative and innovative people. Companies that are involved in the creative
content industry or related industries need a new breed of people altogether.
Not just those with impressive paper qualifications, but those who can adjust,
adapt and, more importantly, understand the notion of street-smartness.

Let me repeat: Human attitudes and behaviour.
That I believe is the Holy Grail of human resource. The very
construct that makes up a successful workforce.
My question is: Are we paying enough attention to these?
We talk about bringing the country up to the next level. We talk
endlessly about training, retraining, and providing impetus to nurture a
sustainable and productive workforce. We spend millions on training. We get
motivators, even celebrity preachers, to inspire. But memories are short,
interests and commitments are shorter. We don’t even understand why we need to
train people. Values are not changing. Productivity suffers.
I believe the workforce is the most valuable asset of any company.
Yet it is easier said than done. We are dealing with a workforce that covers
people of my generation, those of Gen X and Y, and the Millennials too. You
can’t cut and paste to please everyone. They have their wants, needs and
demands. No such thing as one-size-fits-all.
Where lies the difference? The Academy knows better. We are
talking mindsets here, attitudes and values – things that HR departments can
only scrape the surface in understanding the real issues. They need help.
Taking the cue from the company I was with. Being a content
creation company, Media Prima Berhad has to harp not just on content and
materials but CURATION, LOCATION and DIFFERENTIATION. Old ways have long gone. Even
in a company like that, age-old wisdom about managing people has become less

Productivity sucks and bureaucracy is killing whatever is left of
the chances to be better. Understanding the new dynamics of business today is
This is a book that will change our perception of how we use technology.
We will never look at technological advancement in the same way again. Mele asks
whether it is now the end of ‘Big’.
He makes a very compelling argument on how our new-found connectivity is affecting the media, governments and politics, but more so businesses.
He makes a very compelling argument on how our new-found connectivity is affecting the media, governments and politics, but more so businesses.
But it is his argument that “the thumb drive is mightier than the
sword” today that warrants attention. Mele wants us to think hard how radical
connectivity is pushing power to individuals and away from established institutions
at an alarming pace. Yes, there are promises and hope. He admits that he wrote
the book with a dark view of the future. He sees trends that are both powerful
and dangerous, of which many current leaders are oblivious. But he believes the
power that technology has given us can create something new, something
We must take heed of Mele’s warning about not allowing ourselves
to be cowed by technology but to embrace it to build a better future. However,
those are things that make sense when we look at the big picture. What about
the effect on the human mind? How is technological advancement today creating
deeply conflicting moral impulses on human beings? And how are people corrupted
by power, wealth and such?

The Academy must look for new opportunities to help businesses,
institutions and governments. The sky is the limit. Make the Academy relevant
especially to industry. You will fly.
I must congratulate the Academy for the good work so far. And for
coming out with three more publications. I am sure that, other than in book
form, they are also to be available online – as part of the Academy’s move to
promote itself digitally. Having these publications online is a smart move to
encourage “converts” to the discipline that you are in.
I shall refrain myself from talking about the books for they have
been introduced earlier. I have found out that the Academy has published books
about issues other than training and helping companies to get the best from
their employees. You can’t go too far wrong when you have publications with
catchy titles such as Trapping the Cunning
Fox or I See, I Hear and I Conquer!
And the three books today – I must say that you have bought me
over. The titles are incredibly sale able:
To Eat or To Be Eaten, The Flintstones Management (wow!), and Ordinary People, Extraordinary Leadership:
Humane Being, Being Humane. They are written by people who know what they
are talking about. Some of them are legends in their own right.
During my years in the media, one thing that annoyed me most was
the inability of my people to tell stories effectively in not too many words.
Headings matter in a newspaper business. Titles matter in a drama or film.
Great movies are best remembered when their titles are catchy, crisp and cool. Casablanca, Star Wars, Forest Gump, Antara
Dua Darjat, Penarik Beca, to name a few.
Half the battle is won if you have books with titles like I See, I Hear and I Conquer or To Eat or To Be Eaten. Guys, whoever came out with those titles, he
or she is not only a marvelous copywriter but an incredibly clever marketer.
With a little nudge, a bit of re-branding and clever PR, I am sure
the Academy will be better known to the public and particularly its target
market and stake-holders. You have great stories to tell. Make behavioural
science hip, classy and sexy. Companies need that. The country needs you. Learn
from David Beckham. He is not even the best midfielder in the history of
English football. He hung his boots some years ago. But today he is iconic. We
remember him while other football greats have become mere footnotes in the
history of football.
Learn branding from him. Brand well. Branding is everything today.
Moving forward, the Academy needs re-branding. That is my area of
Again, I commend the publication of these books by the Academy.
With the lafaz, Bismillah…, I hereby officially soft-launch the
publication of Flintstone Management
by Prof Tan Sri Amrin Buang and Prof Leow Chee Seng; To Eat Or To be Eaten: Managing Y Generation by Prof Dato Wira
Awang Kechik Hj Abdul Rahman, Mohd YusairyJamil and Prof Dr Leow Che Seng;and Ordinary People, Extraordinary Leadership by Tan Sri Mohd Shukor Hj Mahfar and Prof Dr
Leow Chee Seng.
Thank you.
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